Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've decided to post for you perhaps one of the best answers to a question, that is correct but proves that they have no idea what the answer is.

Question: What is "Mental Health"?

Answer: Mental Health is health that talks about Mentally Health.

Kudos to Sally for that answer.

Things are pretty much the same otherwise. I've started taking Chinese and it's a little overwhelming. Classes are still going. I still don't havce instruments, but should get them this week (I feel like I've said that every week so far). But seriously, this time they've actually been ordered. The weather here is still pretty nice, almost Ideal for biking. I'm thinking I'm gonna shoot for having my Great Wall Bicycle Adventure in a couple weeks. For now, I'm just sitting at my desk, grading papers and watching the 3rd debate. And reminding myself that I need to send in my absentee ballot. I also made another podcast, which is nearly the same one as before, but it got taken off due to copywrite violation. Check the new one here:

Made In China Vol. 1

Also, If you now search podcast for my blog, it should turn up both. If you seard Remix, you'll find the posts that have the 3 songs that I've remixed with my own music. Unfortunately, no one has downloaded the Joy Denalane one yet, which makes me sad because I think that one is the best so far. If you want to hear more specific things about my life, please send me a message or something and I'll either write about it here, or I might just send you an email back, but I make no promises since as many of you know, my communication skillz suck. A lot. Any who, later gators.


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