Monday, October 27, 2008
Don't be kind, don't be rude....
Just shake you're booty let it all get loose.
Oh Yeah.
My Goodness.
I remember when I was in either 4th or 5th grade, my dad bought this cd by this guy on the radio. My mom hated that guy because in his most popular song he sang the lyric: I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? She thought this set a terrible example for a 4th or 5th grader (which ever one I was, she couldn't remember). Years later I'm still grateful to my dear old Paw for purchasing that second-hand cd titled "Mellow Gold" by this weird farm-hippie-rapper-grungerock-whateverthehellhewantstobe dude. His name was Beck. Ever heard of him? In case you haven't, or in case you hadn't then, please take a moment to watch a video from the mid ninties that defined my youth before I even knew it would.
Beercan by Beck
I Luv Beck. He is my Idol.
Friday, October 24, 2008
A day in the life
So many of you are bugging me to post things that are more relevant to my life and what I'm doing in China. Ask and ye shall receive.
For the last couple months (damn, I can't believe it's already been almost 2 months) I've been settling in; getting used to any sort of routine I could get into. Finally it seems as though I've figured it out. The weather was really nice until the beginning of this last week. All of a sudden it went from Summer to early winter in about 2 days. However, I haven't had winter in two years now, so I'm actually kind of excited that the weather is turning. Right now it's brisk. It's about 15 degrees Celsius and windy as heeelllllllll. honestly, the wind is unbelievable. I've never experienced wind like this before. It's making the biking more interesting.
Speaking of biking, the other night I was in Wu Dao Kou which is about 6 miles away or so and as my friends and I were leaving to head back to the school area (we all live right around the school), Me on my bike, them in a taxi, I said "I'll beat you home." Guess what? I did. I didn't even think I could pull it off since it was evening and there wasn't any traffic. But man was I cruising. They caught up to me about a mile and a half from home but had to drop someone off and I took full advantage of that, threw down and beat them back home. Take that automobiles. Also, in case you couldn't tell from that recollection, I'm loving the biking here. It's busy and a little crazy, and a lot of people here are morons when it comes to riding on the right side of the road or against traffic or in the middle of the street etc. but there are ample cars to race, buses to challenge and motorized scooters to draft off of. That said, I am wearing my helmet, surprisingly.
So I mentioned earlier that I can't believe how fast time is moving here, something I've been thinking about a lot here. I'm fairly certain it's because my time is really full now. I've finally developed some sort of routine and here it is:
6:30am - wake up, exercise a little, take a shower
7:30am - Get to the office, check email, eat breakfast, get ready for classes
8am - 12pm - Teach 4 classes in a row(health, music, health, music) followed by a 20 minute advisory period.
12:15pm - go get lunch somewhere close to school
Anywhere from 1 - 1:30pm - Get back to school.
1:30pm - 4:00pm - Grade work while watching a week old, downloaded episode of the Daily Show followed by the corresponding Colbert Report. Also, I plan work for the following days classes and waste time on the internet.
4:00pm - 6:00pm - Teach another class for the Chinese students to work on their English.
6:15pm - Walk back to my apartment, change, hop on my bike and head towards Wu Dao Kou by 6:30pm
Sometime around 7:00pm - Arrive in Wu Dao Kou and grab some sort of snack so I don't starve in my Chinese class.
7:15pm - 8:45pm - Learn Chinese
9:00pm - Eat Dinner
Sometime around 10:00pm - Bike home from WDK
Sometime around 11:00pm - Bed Time.
Repeat Every Week Day
This has made me appreciate the weekends much more. For instance, today I have done nothing except finish a book, eat lunch, watch a colbert report episode at the office and write this blog. Oh, I also sent my Absentee Ballot. Anyways, I'm still liking it here. I'm finding myself missing India a lot lately though, I'm pretty sure in part due to the many similarities between India and China. They're both fast-developing-nations, but one of the huge differences is that while China is very ready to abandon it's heritage and embrace new, faceless, americanized/international culture, India clings on to their heritage like it's their job, and I love that about that country. It was a little annoying sometimes, but it really makes that country incredibly unique, and I miss that a lot. On the opposite side of that, I love being in a city. I got a little bit of the cabin fever on that mountain last year, and there hasn't even been a hint of that here. I've been checking my buddy Neil's blog ( and that's been tugging at the old heartstrings when it comes to missing India. BUT, I'll stop the nostalgic rambling now and say peace out home slices. Keep it sleazy.
For the last couple months (damn, I can't believe it's already been almost 2 months) I've been settling in; getting used to any sort of routine I could get into. Finally it seems as though I've figured it out. The weather was really nice until the beginning of this last week. All of a sudden it went from Summer to early winter in about 2 days. However, I haven't had winter in two years now, so I'm actually kind of excited that the weather is turning. Right now it's brisk. It's about 15 degrees Celsius and windy as heeelllllllll. honestly, the wind is unbelievable. I've never experienced wind like this before. It's making the biking more interesting.
Speaking of biking, the other night I was in Wu Dao Kou which is about 6 miles away or so and as my friends and I were leaving to head back to the school area (we all live right around the school), Me on my bike, them in a taxi, I said "I'll beat you home." Guess what? I did. I didn't even think I could pull it off since it was evening and there wasn't any traffic. But man was I cruising. They caught up to me about a mile and a half from home but had to drop someone off and I took full advantage of that, threw down and beat them back home. Take that automobiles. Also, in case you couldn't tell from that recollection, I'm loving the biking here. It's busy and a little crazy, and a lot of people here are morons when it comes to riding on the right side of the road or against traffic or in the middle of the street etc. but there are ample cars to race, buses to challenge and motorized scooters to draft off of. That said, I am wearing my helmet, surprisingly.
So I mentioned earlier that I can't believe how fast time is moving here, something I've been thinking about a lot here. I'm fairly certain it's because my time is really full now. I've finally developed some sort of routine and here it is:
6:30am - wake up, exercise a little, take a shower
7:30am - Get to the office, check email, eat breakfast, get ready for classes
8am - 12pm - Teach 4 classes in a row(health, music, health, music) followed by a 20 minute advisory period.
12:15pm - go get lunch somewhere close to school
Anywhere from 1 - 1:30pm - Get back to school.
1:30pm - 4:00pm - Grade work while watching a week old, downloaded episode of the Daily Show followed by the corresponding Colbert Report. Also, I plan work for the following days classes and waste time on the internet.
4:00pm - 6:00pm - Teach another class for the Chinese students to work on their English.
6:15pm - Walk back to my apartment, change, hop on my bike and head towards Wu Dao Kou by 6:30pm
Sometime around 7:00pm - Arrive in Wu Dao Kou and grab some sort of snack so I don't starve in my Chinese class.
7:15pm - 8:45pm - Learn Chinese
9:00pm - Eat Dinner
Sometime around 10:00pm - Bike home from WDK
Sometime around 11:00pm - Bed Time.
Repeat Every Week Day
This has made me appreciate the weekends much more. For instance, today I have done nothing except finish a book, eat lunch, watch a colbert report episode at the office and write this blog. Oh, I also sent my Absentee Ballot. Anyways, I'm still liking it here. I'm finding myself missing India a lot lately though, I'm pretty sure in part due to the many similarities between India and China. They're both fast-developing-nations, but one of the huge differences is that while China is very ready to abandon it's heritage and embrace new, faceless, americanized/international culture, India clings on to their heritage like it's their job, and I love that about that country. It was a little annoying sometimes, but it really makes that country incredibly unique, and I miss that a lot. On the opposite side of that, I love being in a city. I got a little bit of the cabin fever on that mountain last year, and there hasn't even been a hint of that here. I've been checking my buddy Neil's blog ( and that's been tugging at the old heartstrings when it comes to missing India. BUT, I'll stop the nostalgic rambling now and say peace out home slices. Keep it sleazy.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I've decided to post for you perhaps one of the best answers to a question, that is correct but proves that they have no idea what the answer is.
Question: What is "Mental Health"?
Answer: Mental Health is health that talks about Mentally Health.
Kudos to Sally for that answer.
Things are pretty much the same otherwise. I've started taking Chinese and it's a little overwhelming. Classes are still going. I still don't havce instruments, but should get them this week (I feel like I've said that every week so far). But seriously, this time they've actually been ordered. The weather here is still pretty nice, almost Ideal for biking. I'm thinking I'm gonna shoot for having my Great Wall Bicycle Adventure in a couple weeks. For now, I'm just sitting at my desk, grading papers and watching the 3rd debate. And reminding myself that I need to send in my absentee ballot. I also made another podcast, which is nearly the same one as before, but it got taken off due to copywrite violation. Check the new one here:
Made In China Vol. 1
Also, If you now search podcast for my blog, it should turn up both. If you seard Remix, you'll find the posts that have the 3 songs that I've remixed with my own music. Unfortunately, no one has downloaded the Joy Denalane one yet, which makes me sad because I think that one is the best so far. If you want to hear more specific things about my life, please send me a message or something and I'll either write about it here, or I might just send you an email back, but I make no promises since as many of you know, my communication skillz suck. A lot. Any who, later gators.
Question: What is "Mental Health"?
Answer: Mental Health is health that talks about Mentally Health.
Kudos to Sally for that answer.
Things are pretty much the same otherwise. I've started taking Chinese and it's a little overwhelming. Classes are still going. I still don't havce instruments, but should get them this week (I feel like I've said that every week so far). But seriously, this time they've actually been ordered. The weather here is still pretty nice, almost Ideal for biking. I'm thinking I'm gonna shoot for having my Great Wall Bicycle Adventure in a couple weeks. For now, I'm just sitting at my desk, grading papers and watching the 3rd debate. And reminding myself that I need to send in my absentee ballot. I also made another podcast, which is nearly the same one as before, but it got taken off due to copywrite violation. Check the new one here:
Made In China Vol. 1
Also, If you now search podcast for my blog, it should turn up both. If you seard Remix, you'll find the posts that have the 3 songs that I've remixed with my own music. Unfortunately, no one has downloaded the Joy Denalane one yet, which makes me sad because I think that one is the best so far. If you want to hear more specific things about my life, please send me a message or something and I'll either write about it here, or I might just send you an email back, but I make no promises since as many of you know, my communication skillz suck. A lot. Any who, later gators.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Questlove for prez
Bump all this Obama - McCain nonsense. Put my man (sport the fro like "what's happenin?") in the Oval Office.
Nuff Said
Thursday, October 16, 2008
T Pain + MF Doom production = Dope-tastic!
This mash up/remix is on the DOOMED mix I posted about last month, but I thought I'd share the individual track with all y'all people. This makes me actually kind of like T-Pain. I never thought I'd say that. so check the Jazzy remix of a song I would probably hate otherwise. Thanks again to MF Doom for being awesome and DJ Mike Waxx for combining the two to make a sweet beautiful baby. The track is "Can't Believe It feat Lil' Wayne by T-Pain (the Arrow Root Remix).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Check Me Out (part deux)
Update time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My bike done broke but I fixed it. The new wheel that Mr Jeff Miracle Man Schiller built for me before I left the states got a lil outa wack but I got my hands on a spoke wrench and tightened that bad boy up. This may not seem like big news to you, but I've been on my bike once in the last 2 weeks because of this and now that it's fixed I'm a much happier camper.
I started taking Chinese lessons last night. My teacher doesn't speak english. The class consists of myself and one other dude from India (small world, huh? (that was a joke (kind of))). There are some instruments here, and I should be ordering more today or tomorrow, which means I should be teaching musical instruments by next week. yessssssssss.
I have a lot of pictures from my Golden Week vacation, but I don't have batteries and this means my camera won't turn on. So as soon as I remedy this problem I'll post some pics. I will also accompany pictures from Golden week with a post explaining what I did. It was kinda dope.
The food here is delicious.
I posted another podcast, but took it down because it apparently violates copy write law (bump that). If you liked the last one, I think you'll enjoy this one as well. If you haven't downloaded the first one, check out the post below that starts in the Tamil language. There's a link to it there. If you would like the second podcast, send me an email ( and I'll email you back the link sos you can download the biznas.
Lastly, but perhaps of the most important news I'll send home all year. Last week, at approximately 10:30pm Beijing time (9:30am in the twin cities) I accomplished something I may never accomplish again. A feat that is monumental, to say the least. You ready? I bowled a 245. I'll repeat that: 245. Swear to God. I threw 9 strikes and 3 spares. I did not leave one pin standing in 12 throws. 245. Don't believe me? Chew on this:
I must truly be a God among men. Also, I guess I'm now licensed to teach in the US. Sweet Sauce. Good thing I'm in China.
And I'm out,
My bike done broke but I fixed it. The new wheel that Mr Jeff Miracle Man Schiller built for me before I left the states got a lil outa wack but I got my hands on a spoke wrench and tightened that bad boy up. This may not seem like big news to you, but I've been on my bike once in the last 2 weeks because of this and now that it's fixed I'm a much happier camper.
I started taking Chinese lessons last night. My teacher doesn't speak english. The class consists of myself and one other dude from India (small world, huh? (that was a joke (kind of))). There are some instruments here, and I should be ordering more today or tomorrow, which means I should be teaching musical instruments by next week. yessssssssss.
I have a lot of pictures from my Golden Week vacation, but I don't have batteries and this means my camera won't turn on. So as soon as I remedy this problem I'll post some pics. I will also accompany pictures from Golden week with a post explaining what I did. It was kinda dope.
The food here is delicious.
I posted another podcast, but took it down because it apparently violates copy write law (bump that). If you liked the last one, I think you'll enjoy this one as well. If you haven't downloaded the first one, check out the post below that starts in the Tamil language. There's a link to it there. If you would like the second podcast, send me an email ( and I'll email you back the link sos you can download the biznas.
Lastly, but perhaps of the most important news I'll send home all year. Last week, at approximately 10:30pm Beijing time (9:30am in the twin cities) I accomplished something I may never accomplish again. A feat that is monumental, to say the least. You ready? I bowled a 245. I'll repeat that: 245. Swear to God. I threw 9 strikes and 3 spares. I did not leave one pin standing in 12 throws. 245. Don't believe me? Chew on this:
I must truly be a God among men. Also, I guess I'm now licensed to teach in the US. Sweet Sauce. Good thing I'm in China.
And I'm out,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
He's On Fire
Part Three of the Remix Series is my very own remix of the track "Let Go" by Joy Denalane. This is more of an R&B song, so if you're not the biggest hip hop fan and have been turned off by the last two, you might like this one. Check it out. I got #4 coming at you as soon as I can export it from pro tools which will be the another new, more laid back People Under The Stairs track called "The Wiz". For now, here's Joy Denalane's Let Go remixed by me.
Let Go (Destructo Remix) - Joy Denalane
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Heeeeee's heating up
I know you're all up on the NBA Jam tip. Here's the second in what I believe will be a series of remixes of other artists a capella's with my beats. This track is fresh off of People Under The Stairs' newest album (which may not even be in stores yet, thanks emusic) which if you're a hip hop fan, you should surely go out and get. The track is Step Bacc. Here's the remix.
Bang that shiz in your stere-ereo.
-Mr. D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
As some of you know, I like to mess around with samples and make hip hop beats. I decided yesterday that rather than wait for any of my friends to start writing rhymes for them, I'm gong to track down some a capellas from my favorite MC's and put my beats with them. Here's the first of what I hope will be many Mr. Destructo remixes.
My Favorite Ladies (Destructo Remix) by MF Doom:
My Favorite Ladies (Destructo Remix) by MF Doom:
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